Monday, April 07, 2008


We had a 2 weeks later easter egg hunting party. Because this year we are hosting and we spent easter in Florida, we decided to make it 2 weeks later. Fortunately this weekend was sooo georgeous!!! Everyone enjoyed the weather outside just to sit down on the grass and hung out or they just rather standing up around the food table (the food were incredible!!!) or sitting in the sunroom and patio chatting and eat in the warmth of the sunny weather.

I was surprised that the party went so well, I made 3 dishes, and they were all gone by the end of the party and I had to prepare a day before because Ammar is on call and he worked the whole day on the weekend, and between taking care of the kids and cooking, preparing the house and the decoration.. I finished it up at by 10 pm and went to bed exhaustedly on Saturday night. I couldn't expect to have Ammar help me out because he went home crashing on Saturday, too, bringing Nadia to sleep with him (so he wouldn't read her story book hehe) and went to work again early in the morning on the party day.

Aidan surprisingly was so tired and wanted to nap earlier, 9.30 am, by the time all the guests came, he woke up, straightly went to the backyard to hunt for eggs.

It was so beautiful out, we enjoyed the sun in the backyard even after the guests left, that was when Ammar went home and played with the kids.

Nadia went to sleep happily, so did Aidan.. they got so happy after playing with the kids and of course, their favorite people on earth : Uncle Bill and Auntie Lisa.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was sooo much fun!!
The Food was Glorious!!!

more party pleaseeeee he he he heeeee